You’re Not Alone. There Are People Who Care.
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call, text, or chat 988
24/7/365 free and confidential support in English & Spanish
TTY users dial 711, then 988
The Trevor Project
(LGBTQ youth)
SAMHSA National Helpline
(Mental Health & Substance Use Disorders)
NAMI HelpLine
(Mental Health)
Family Navigator Support Program
(Substance Use Treatment & Support)
For Drug Help (Substance Use Treatment)
Rye Youth Council RESTORE (Short Term Mental Health Counseling)
Confidential Email:
NY State HOPEline Substance Use Treatment)
Westchester County Crisis Prevention & Response Team
(Mental Health, Substance Use Treatment)
National Eating Disorders Association Helpline
Youth Speak Out: 2023 Student Survey Data
Click on thumbnails for downloadable PDFs
Parenting in Changing Times
Beginning in early 2020, dramatic changes occurred that have created seismic shifts in the prevention landscape. The world in which we are raising our children and teens has been altered in unprecedented ways by a confluence of factors: The global COVID-19 pandemic and the collective trauma associated with it, social and political unrest around diversity and inclusion, and their impact on the mental and behavioral health of youth and adults is at a crisis point, in the larger world, and right here in our community.
Now more than ever before, helping our children and teens navigate this ever-changing environment is critically important both for their social-emotional wellbeing, and to our primary prevention goal of building their resilience so they can lead healthy, productive, drug-free lives.
Created in collaboration with numerous community partners, our Parenting in Changing Times series provides information, tools, and resources to parents and caregivers as we support our youth.
31 Days of Mental Health
The RyeACT Youth Action Team partnered with their friends in the nearby Putnam County Youth Coalition to create a social media campaign to give adults in the community a window into how the global pandemic has impacted youth mental, emotional, and behavioral health.
Check out their 31 Days of Mental Health campaign, shared to honor Mental Health Awareness Month in May, 2021. Now more than ever, Mental Health Care is Primary Prevention.
Shatter the Myths
In early March 2020, 25 students from Rye MS & Rye HS worked together to create a “Shatter the Myths” campaign, planned as part of our participation in NIDA’s National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week at the end of March. After months of quarantine and the “NY Pause”, we are thrilled to share their hard work as we launch Rye’s own National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week “Reboot” to mark the start of the school year.
Parenting for Prevention 101 Infographics

In May 2017, RyeACT held its first Parent University event, which included Parenting for Prevention 101 Workshops for parents with kids of all ages. These informative handouts highlight the 4 Essentials of Parenting for Prevention that carry through all ages/stages of development and are the foundation of the workshop content. These FREE workshops are facilitated by healthcare professionals and will be offered periodically for parents in the Rye community. Check the RyeACT Events calendar for upcoming workshop dates!
Vaping Flyer
RyeACT Initiatives Update

Curious to know more about what RyeACT has been up to over the last year, and what’s planned as we move ahead?
Prevention Week Message from Dr. Robert DuPont:

Following his keynote presentation at RyeACT’s Parent University, Dr. Dupont collaborated with the coalition to create a message for parents as one of our National Prevention Week campaigns.
“One Choice for Youth” Campaign of Dr. DuPont
Here is a link to a short commentary from Dr. DuPont, president of the Institute of Behavior and Health, 1st ever Head of NIDA, 2nd White House Drug Chief, and keynote speaker for RyeACT’s Parent University. Dr DuPont explains why prevention for youth is really about making “One Choice.”
Power to the Parent Website
Westchester County Coalition’s Power to the Parent website, contains helpful prevention information by our local partners at the Westchester County Coalition for Drug and Alcohol Free Youth. This is a “coalition of coalition leaders” from all across the county who work together to share ideas, resources, and best practices in prevention.
Hudson Valley Heroes Award
This group of health and wellness professionals who live and work in Rye were awarded a Hudson Valley Heroes Award to celebrate outstanding volunteer service for their efforts in bringing the Parent University into being.
They are the embodiment of service and our community is grateful to all the members of the team!