Parenting for Prevention 101
In May 2017, Dr. Robert DuPont presented the research that would become the foundation of the “One Choice” prevention message as the keynote speaker at our RyeACT Parent University program. As part of the Parent University event, RyeACT created a set of workshops for parents that focuses on the Four Essentials of Parenting for Prevention through the continuum of development from childhood through early adulthood. The core principle underlying these Four Essentials is the understanding (supported by data and research) that all drug use is connected; therefore the best choice for youth is to make One Choice: NO USE of alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs, for reasons of health.
RyeACT schedules periodic public sessions of our Parenting for Prevention 101 Workshops, led by trained professionals from our Health and Wellness Action Team. OR you can schedule a Parenting for Prevention Cottage Talk with one of our professional facilitators in a small group setting by reaching out to Nancy Pasquale at:
Since 2017, RyeACT has been a founding partner in the national One Choice Prevention movement with The Institute for Behavior and Health. You can find more helpful information about One Choice below.
Middle School Summer Messaging

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Parent Summer Messaging

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High School Summer Messaging

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RyeACT’s “I Am One” One Choice campaign
In May 2019, as part of our We Are RyeACT Community Prevention Fair, the RyeACT Youth Action Team (our youth coalition) launched its “I Am One” campaign. This campaign gives youth a chance to talk about their individual reasons for making One Choice to be drug free…straight from the heart, in their own words, peers talking to peers.
The campaign has two components:
- A mosaic wall that has over 800 individual “tiles” and counting….
- Our “I Am One” short film video PSA, created with the help of our partners at Rye TV