Latest Past Events

Teen Mental Health: Time for a Reset

We are in the midst of a youth mental health crisis with teens increasingly reporting persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness, along with increased suicide rates. Factors contributing to this crisis include the negative effects of social media, increased academic pressure, childhood trauma, alcohol and substance use, and social isolation. The good news is, research... Read more »

Protective Power of Parents and Caregivers: Build Their Best Selves

Dr. Ken Ginsburg will speak about the critical importance of parents and caring adults in the lives of adolescents.  It is the security of your love that allows young people to launch successfully into an uncertain future.  It is your high expectations that hold them accountable, keep them safe, and shape them to become their... Read more »


Prevention: “Let’s Talk”

Rye Middle School 3 Parsons Street, Rye

Monday, October 30th | 7 PM | Rye Middle School Multipurpose Room | Prevention begins with conversations...  Talking about drugs and alcohol can be hard. Join us for a community conversation where we'll explore How to :  * talk with children and teens * talk with your spouse/partner * talk with other adults (friends, community members) also includes preventing overdose

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